Wellgo Pharma is presenting list of 10 Best PCD Pharma companies of India. This list is made after studying over 100 PCD Pharma companies, their service and customer Feedback. Over 100 customers were asked questions from different areas regarding best PCD Pharma companies and by analyzing their answers, a list is made for your reference.
Introduction :-
Times were tough in last year for many businesses but Pharma companies were able to maintain a decent growth and sustainability. More importantly PCD pharma companies were also able to perform in these tough times, hence we can say it is very safe to be in pharma space and start this business in your area. Many of our customers were able to grow their business in their particular locations.

It is always advisable to work with best PCD Pharma company in India as a good company will provide you with :-
- Best Rates
- Attractive Packing
- Excellent customers service
- Timely Delivery
- After sales support
- DCGI approved molecules
There are may PCD companies in India but you can select Best PCD company in India like Wellgo Pharmaceuticals by checking it on the above criteria.
Wellgo Pharma is based in Chandigarh and is operating for over 6 years. It has over 250 products and is available. Experienced team of wellgo pharma is working with over 300 associates all over country .
PCD pharma franchise segment has noticed a good growth in business and if you are looking to start Pharma business with a reputed company you should call right away at 8288899202.
Best PCD companies will provide you with prompt response and share its products details.
Requirements to work with Best PCD company :-
a) Valid Drug Liscence
b) Valid GST or PAN Card
c) Finance
d) Product Knowledge
e) Market Estimation
If you have above things ready with you , no one can stop you from establishing a successful business. You should just select a PCD company and start working .
For more details you can call us at 8288899202.
Best PCD Pharma company List.
Below we are presenting our List of Best PCD Pharma companies made after due diligence.
- Wellgo Pharmaceuticals, Chandigarh.
Wellgo Pharma is a company from Chandigarh, It is BEST PCD PHARMA COMPANY in India. Wellgo offers you pcd pharma franchise in your area at very affordable rates. They help you in starting your business at a low investment. You may contact them at 8288899202 or email at wellgopharma@gmail.com and they will get back to you. Wellgo Pharma offers WHO-GMP certified products which are of high quality and Efficacy. These products are of excellent packing and will help you in growing your business and earning more profit.
Check the products below for undertaking what is a good packing design.
As you can see above the packing of Products is World-Class, not only this the products of this PCD Pharma franchise are also WHO-GMP certified.
2. ZEE LABS, Karnal
Zee labs is a well known name in Pharmaceutical space. This PCD Company has its own manufacturing unit and is famous for its quality.
3. Zota healthcare, Gujrat
Zota is one of the oldest PCD companies, their prices are little higher but they have a wide range of products and a long history. This is one of the Biggest PCD Pharma company In India. Zota has a brand value which can help you in promoting the company in Your area.
4. Creogenic Pharma, Haryana
Creogenic is best PCD company for customer service. Their strategy is to be the best service provider and bring customer delight to its associates. It is one of the fastest growing PCD companies in India.
5. Talent Healthcare, Haridwar
Talent has head offices in Haridwar and Gujrat. They have own manufacturing units and give very good rates to its customers. If you are looking for cheapest rates you can work with Talent healthcare, as it will provide you with minimum rates and quality.
6. Ellanjay Pharma, Haryana
Ellanjay Pharma has great product packing and product range. It support its customers by providing innovative Promotional rates and wide product range. Ellanjays customer has termed ellanjey as a innovative pcd company.
7. Vibcare Pharma , Haryana
With 10 years of experience Vibcare is a very well known brand name in PCD Pharma market. Its wide range of products and professional approach has helped it and its customers in growing quickly. Vibcare works closely with its associates and gives best suggestions and support to increase their business.
8. Ayan Biocare, Chandigarh
Ayan Biocare is a divison of Wellgo Pharma, It has focus on providing best service to its customers. Ayan Biocare has dedicated product manager team which takes care of product packing and new products development.
9. Mankind Pharma
Mankind Pharma is a very strong name in Pharma space. It also has its own sales team on ground. It offers products to its associates but on their own terms. Strong brand awareness and reputation of company helps its customers in increasing their sales.
10. Intra Life solutions
Intra Life started 7 years back with an aim to provide quality critical care products. This speciality division has grown multiples times. Its strength is its innovative products and packing .
List of Best PCD Pharma company in India is made for your reference. You can check the companies and their products before you finalize any company. We have already shared how to select a PCD Pharma company in India.