PCD Pharma companies are one of the upcoming and famous businesses in Pharmaceutical segment of India. At present there are many small to mid sized pharma segment companies in India. These companies are playing a very important role in logistics and distribution of many important pharmaceutical products. At Many places these PCD companies have helped in improving the supply chain by organizing the segment.

Today PCD Pharma company in India is a common and well known name in Pharmaceutical industry. Following are some points which are beneficial for India Pharma market and businessmen :-
a) Opportunity for New Entrants – PCD pharma companies have given a lot of opportunities to new and budding businessmen. PCD company is a handy opportunity for many businessmen who want to start a business at a low investment. These businessmen can now work directly with the company which in result give them better margins.
b) Price benefits Driven by competition – As the number of companies are growing they want to reach out to more customers and this is bringing more and more competition among them. Direct benefits of this if taken by Customers , as they now get products at a much lesser price than earlier. Customers profitably is increasing with time.
c) Improvement in Overall service levels – More competition always leads to betterment of service levels like, better customer handling, increase in professionalism, improvement in quality of product and timely delivery etc. PCD companies can not afford to have lower service levels as the competition is tough.
d) Better growth Opportunities because of Monopoly based Distribution – End customer / Wholesaler or Associates , now get the product at a monopoly condition. For all the serious associates this is an excellent facility because they can now move with a confidence in their area. As they have the control over the supply of brands.
PCD companies have now improved the whole ecosystem and at a broader level impacted the Pharmaceutical industry as a whole.
a) How to take PCD Pharma franchise