Pharmaceutical industry in India is growing at a stagnant pace and taking a Good PCD pharma franchise company for your business is a good option. Sometimes Pharma business owners are unaware of PCD pharma franchise companies and they work only with Ethical or Generic companies. However, in last few years PCD pharma franchise companies have taken a very strong position in Pharmaceutical supply chain.
What is PCD Pharma franchise ?
Before proceeding further it is important to know about PCD Pharma franchise business model. In this model the business owner or associate, takes franchise of a company and with it , he gets the right to promote the product of company in his respective area. This business model provides a lot of flexibility and upper edge to the associates as they can work on their own time and pace.
Post Pandemic situation.
Pandemic was hard for Many businesses but This segment has promised a stability. PCD Pharma business is standing strong and supporting all those are involved in this business. So if you are looking for business opportunities in Pharmaceutical segment, PCD Pharma is a good option.
How to start ?
Starting a Pharmaceutical PCD Pharma business is not difficult. You need following things :-
Drug Liscence
GST – If GST not available PAN card and Adhar card will do.
Budget for making payment.
If you have these three you can go through various Top PCD Pharma franchise companies and select the best one as per your requirement and start with the work.
PCD Pharma franchise company – A business opportunity.
In todays environment of our country PCD Pharma franchise company is a great business opportunity for many people, especially if you are from Pharmaceutical background. Being in right business and your own business is a benefit for lifetime. So here we are going to discuss :-
a) Is Pharma franchise company a right business for you ?
b) Benefits of PCD Pharma franchise company as a business ?
c) Future Growth opportunities of a Pharma franchise company as a business.
Part A – Is Pharma franchise company a right business for you ?
There are many business opportunities if you are looking for one but is this opportunity right for you or not is a big question. TO enter in to Pharma franchise business you have to ask yourself following questions:-
Are you from Pharmaceutical background ?
Do You have Pharmaceutical Marketing experience ?
Do you have a Network of doctors or anyone in your family and friends ?
Do you have a Drug Licence or you can arrange one ?
Do you know which segment to work in or which medicines you will order to start work ?
Last and not the least, Do you have sufficient funds to start your PCD Pharma franchise company business.
If the answer to these questions is Yes you can go ahead and start a Pharma franchise business for yourself. You can always contact us in case you need to know anything els.
pcd pharma franchise company
Part B – Benefits of PCD Pharma franchise company as a business ?
Another important point to think is that what is the benefit of this business. Most obvious answer of this is that in a way you are helping people in getting well, as long as you are doing ethically and morally.
Another benefit of doing this business is that it starts in very less investment. Even if you have just 25-30000 Rs you can start your business and start earning. This is a low investment business.
High margins – Unlike many other trading businesses Pharma franchise company business has a high margin, You can easily sell the medicines at double your cost price in your area. High margins will help you in making a good income. This is one of the great benefit of Pharma franchise company business.
Part C – Future Growth opportunities of a Pharma franchise company as a business.
Any business or work we are entering it is always important to understand the future scope of the business. Here We will discuss following :-
Growth Possibilities and future demand – Pharmaceutical business is dependent on number of people getting sick. So population and percentage of persons getting sick are factors on which growth is dependent. As we all know that population will keep on growing and number of people will always be sick. So with time and increase in population, number of people falling sick will keep on increasing and the business will grow.
Recession and its effects – Pharmaceutical business is recession proof, because it is dependent on the person who is ill. It is a need based business and hence when some one is not well he or she will have to take medicine. So a need based business is recession proof.
As we have discussed the pcd pharma franchise company business from various angles, our take is that it is a great business to start. If you want to know more about the business. You can contact us
Pediatric Range is a very good range to work in Pharmaceutical segment. Associates who want to start new business or add a Pediatric Pharma company in their existing business should select the company very carefully. It is also important to understand that this is a very long term association so you should invest some time in making the selection.
You will find many options in market and it can be very confusing to select the right company.
l help you in checking which are top Pharma companies in India.
Once you have checked the list, you should take care of following factors:-
a) Price – You should check and compare the prices of company with other companies. You should not target the Lowest price always because there can be some issue with the quality of products as well. So Select a company with decent price.
b) Packing – Packing of products is very important because it will help you in presentation of products. Right packing will also give a feel of premium products, so select company with attractive packing. Once you will start your business in pediatric range, you will realize that packing is playing an important role in your sales and growth. Below are some images of Pediatric Pharma products.
Cefpodoxime 100 Mg Dry syrup
Cefpodoxime Clav Dry Syrup
best pediatric Pharma franchise company
Cefixime 50 Mg
Cefpodoxime 50 Mg Dry Syrup
c) Certification – Wellgo Pharmaceuticals gets its products manufactured from WHO-GMP certified products with GLP and ISO certification. In pediatric Range Quality assurance is very critical as it is used by Kids. Select a company with pharma products with certification for quality assurance. When you are aware that the products are certified you can push products with confidence. This will also help you in building reputation for your products and business.
d) Terms – Terms and conditions like payment, transportation etc should be discussed beforehand. Before selecting company discuss properly about your requirements and then Pediatric Pharma company can respond to your requirements. Ask properly about the transportation charges, damaged goods etc.
e) Quality – As mentioned above also, quality is of utmost importance. You can check certifications as per step C. Apart from this you can also discuss if you can get batch reports for products you are buying. Company will provide you with the batch reports whenever you need. Do not focus only on Lowest prices if you want to do long term business.
f) Management support – If you are planning to do long term business with the company, talk to management one on One. this will help you in understanding company culture and support which you will get in future.
g) Monopoly Rights – Last but not the least, You will need Monopoly support from company to increase your business. Discuss Monopoly terms and conditions from company before finalizing the company. You can also ask for a monopoly certification on company letter head if required.
Once you observe all the factors above carefully, You can choose the company for your business.
In case any more information is required, please call at 8288899202 or email at
Rifaximin 400 tablets are available in Wellgo Pharmaceuticals for its esteemed associates. These tablets are in Gastro Range and are very effective in fighting many bacterial infections.
Brand name – WIXIMIN-400
Composition – Rifaximin 400 Mg
Packing – 10X10 ALU ALU
Product image is given below.
Rifaximin 400 Mg tablets
Rifaximin is used to treat bacterial infections which cause diarrhea. It is also used in Travelller’s Diarrhea. Doctors also prescribe it in Irritable Bowl Syndrome.
Rifaximin 400 Tablets are very effective in Many Gastro Infections. These tablets are available in our Gastro PCD Products and our associates are promoting it successfully in their areas.
If you need Rifaximin 400 tablets for business purpose, you can contact us at 8288899202 or email us at
There are many PCD Pharma companies and some companies offer Pediatric Products to their associates. Pediatric Products are products which are used for infants or kids. These products are made with special care and quality standards as these will be used by kids.
Pediatric Pharma franchise companies are available for associates but it is not easy to choose Best pediatric Pharma franchise company in India as there are many options available. Following are some of the points which you can consider while selecting a Pediatric Pharma franchise company for yourself.
a) Packing Quality – As the saying goes ‘ Jo Dikhta hai, wo bikta hai” Packing design is very important for pediatric products as the products are made for kids and they should look attractive. All major pediatric Pharma companies focus on packing quality very much. Apart from this Quality of cartons and second packing is also very important for better handling and transportation of products. Below are some examples of quality packing in Pediatric pharma pcd products.
best pediatric Pharma franchise company
As you can see in the image the products are available in attractive and quality packing.
b) Product Range – A good pediatric pharma franchise company should have a wide range of products like Tablets, Dry Syrups, Injections, Syrups and Drops pediatric pcd pharma franchise company
You can click on the link above and check the product range which is needed for best Pediatric Pharma franchise company.
There are many more products available at wellgo Pharma, which you can check by calling at 8288899202 or sending an email at
c) Quality manufacturing – Pediatric Pharma franchise products should be made from quality manufacturers. These manufacturers are GMP, GLP and WHO-GMP certified. This quality assurance helps in getting results desired from here products. Companies like Wellgo Pharma choose quality manufacturers for their products.
Best pediatric Pharma franchise company
Best pediatric Pharma franchise company
Best pediatric Pharma franchise company
d) Pricing – Best pediatric Pharma franchise offer their products are very competitive price. Better pricing will help associates in earning more profits in their business.
If you are looking for Best pediatric Pharma franchise company, Please call at 8288899202, or email at –
PCD Pharma companies are one of the upcoming and famous businesses in Pharmaceutical segment of India. At present there are many small to mid sized pharma segment companies in India. These companies are playing a very important role in logistics and distribution of many important pharmaceutical products. At Many places these PCD companies have helped in improving the supply chain by organizing the segment.
PCD Pharma company India
Today PCD Pharma company in India is a common and well known name in Pharmaceutical industry. Following are some points which are beneficial for India Pharma market and businessmen :-
a) Opportunity for New Entrants – PCD pharma companies have given a lot of opportunities to new and budding businessmen. PCD company is a handy opportunity for many businessmen who want to start a business at a low investment. These businessmen can now work directly with the company which in result give them better margins.
b) Price benefits Driven by competition – As the number of companies are growing they want to reach out to more customers and this is bringing more and more competition among them. Direct benefits of this if taken by Customers , as they now get products at a much lesser price than earlier. Customers profitably is increasing with time.
c) Improvement in Overall service levels – More competition always leads to betterment of service levels like, better customer handling, increase in professionalism, improvement in quality of product and timely delivery etc. PCD companies can not afford to have lower service levels as the competition is tough.
d) Better growth Opportunities because of Monopoly based Distribution – End customer / Wholesaler or Associates , now get the product at a monopoly condition. For all the serious associates this is an excellent facility because they can now move with a confidence in their area. As they have the control over the supply of brands.
PCD companies have now improved the whole ecosystem and at a broader level impacted the Pharmaceutical industry as a whole.
Wellgo Pharma is presenting list of 10 Best PCD Pharma companies of India. This list is made after studying over 100 PCD Pharma companies, their service and customer Feedback. Over 100 customers were asked questions from different areas regarding best PCD Pharma companies and by analyzing their answers, a list is made for your reference.
Introduction :-
Times were tough in last year for many businesses but Pharma companies were able to maintain a decent growth and sustainability. More importantly PCD pharma companies were also able to perform in these tough times, hence we can say it is very safe to be in pharma space and start this business in your area. Many of our customers were able to grow their business in their particular locations.
PCD PHarma franchise
It is always advisable to work with best PCD Pharma company in India as a good company will provide you with :-
Best Rates
Attractive Packing
Excellent customers service
Timely Delivery
After sales support
DCGI approved molecules
There are may PCD companies in India but you can select Best PCD company in India like Wellgo Pharmaceuticals by checking it on the above criteria.
Wellgo Pharma is based in Chandigarh and is operating for over 6 years. It has over 250 products and is available. Experienced team of wellgo pharma is working with over 300 associates all over country .
PCD pharma franchise segment has noticed a good growth in business and if you are looking to start Pharma business with a reputed company you should call right away at 8288899202.
Best PCD companies will provide you with prompt response and share its products details.
Requirements to work with Best PCD company :-
a) Valid Drug Liscence
b) Valid GST or PAN Card
c) Finance
d) Product Knowledge
e) Market Estimation
If you have above things ready with you , no one can stop you from establishing a successful business. You should just select a PCD company and start working .
For more details you can call us at 8288899202.
Best PCD Pharma company List.
Below we are presenting our List of Best PCD Pharma companies made after due diligence.
Wellgo Pharmaceuticals, Chandigarh.
Wellgo Pharma is a company from Chandigarh, It is BEST PCD PHARMA COMPANY in India. Wellgo offers you pcd pharma franchise in your area at very affordable rates. They help you in starting your business at a low investment. You may contact them at 8288899202 or email at and they will get back to you. Wellgo Pharma offers WHO-GMP certified products which are of high quality and Efficacy. These products are of excellent packing and will help you in growing your business and earning more profit.
Check the products below for undertaking what is a good packing design.
As you can see above the packing of Products is World-Class, not only this the products of this PCD Pharma franchise are also WHO-GMP certified.
2. ZEE LABS, Karnal
Zee labs is a well known name in Pharmaceutical space. This PCD Company has its own manufacturing unit and is famous for its quality.
3. Zota healthcare, Gujrat
Zota is one of the oldest PCD companies, their prices are little higher but they have a wide range of products and a long history. This is one of the Biggest PCD Pharma company In India. Zota has a brand value which can help you in promoting the company in Your area.
4. Creogenic Pharma, Haryana
Creogenic is best PCD company for customer service. Their strategy is to be the best service provider and bring customer delight to its associates. It is one of the fastest growing PCD companies in India.
5. Talent Healthcare, Haridwar
Talent has head offices in Haridwar and Gujrat. They have own manufacturing units and give very good rates to its customers. If you are looking for cheapest rates you can work with Talent healthcare, as it will provide you with minimum rates and quality.
6. Ellanjay Pharma, Haryana
Ellanjay Pharma has great product packing and product range. It support its customers by providing innovative Promotional rates and wide product range. Ellanjays customer has termed ellanjey as a innovative pcd company.
7. Vibcare Pharma , Haryana
With 10 years of experience Vibcare is a very well known brand name in PCD Pharma market. Its wide range of products and professional approach has helped it and its customers in growing quickly. Vibcare works closely with its associates and gives best suggestions and support to increase their business.
8. Ayan Biocare, Chandigarh
Ayan Biocare is a divison of Wellgo Pharma, It has focus on providing best service to its customers. Ayan Biocare has dedicated product manager team which takes care of product packing and new products development.
9. Mankind Pharma
Mankind Pharma is a very strong name in Pharma space. It also has its own sales team on ground. It offers products to its associates but on their own terms. Strong brand awareness and reputation of company helps its customers in increasing their sales.
10. Intra Life solutions
Intra Life started 7 years back with an aim to provide quality critical care products. This speciality division has grown multiples times. Its strength is its innovative products and packing .
List of Best PCD Pharma company in India is made for your reference. You can check the companies and their products before you finalize any company. We have already shared how to select a PCD Pharma company in India.
Indian Pharmaceutical industry is on a growth path for a very long time. Not Only in domestic market but Indian Pharma companies are growing globally as well. Covid19 has proved that Pharmaceutical segment is one of the best segment to be in, as the business is safe even in worst times. In Pharmaceutical Segment PCD pharma company is also a very good opportunity to grab. In a PCD company, the associates take products and support from the parent PCD company and promotes its products in the allotted area.
There are numerous number of ways to market a PCD company and best of them are listed below.
Right Product Mix – First step to promote a PCD company successfully , is to select the right product. The product should be selected on the basis of your experience in market, Doctor network you have, Major ailments in your area, kind of hospitals you have around you. This will help you in promotion of your business after you start. It will also help you in short and long term sales strategy for your business.
Key Points analysis – For marketing PCD company in your area you have to understand and analyze key points which affect sales and product movement in your area. Major is price sensitivity in your area. This will help you in understand how much margin you will make and you can take proper profit estimate you can make in your area.
Choosing best PCD company – There are many PCD companies but you have to select Best PCD company as per your requirements. A company with good management and supportive attitude is all you need. You can see the packing types they are offering , promotional support available, behavior and cooperation of staff. Choosing BEST company for you is the most important step as pcd business is a long term business. There will be many situations where you will need help from the company and right attitude of company will matter to you at that time.
So we can conclude that the most important role is played by the company in your sales, you should work very hard on first 2 factors but, the company and behavior will be the most important factor which will help you in promoting your sales.
PCD Pharma company In India - Wellgo Pharmaceuticals. Wellgo is one of the most trusted PCD companies in India with over 200 happy and growing business associates all over India. Wellgo Pharma as achieved new heights in quality and customer service in PCD pharma space in India. Wellgo pharma aims to bring quality medicines at affordable prices to general public. We introduced quality and affordability to newer markets with our wide range of certified pharma products. All Pharma professionals, and businessmen are invited to get in touch with us in regard to this business opportunity. Our PCD pharma company has a vision of reaching the last mile with the help of our associates.
It is our silent goal that we help a common man by providing him quality medicines at an affordable price. Our associates help us in achieving this aim. We have reached over 250 districts in India with a vision to reach every Indian. We would also like to thank our associates, because of which our products are available to the common man in their area. There are many young professionals and businessmen associated with us, these people help us in expanding our business. This is the reason our associates are given a monopoly in their business areas. Our unique business model and monopolized approach has helped many associates in growing their business. We at Wellgo Pharma maintain a high level of ethical and professional standard.
We invite new pharma professionals to associates with us by connecting at 8288899202, 8054587808 or via email at
Be our PCD franchise business Partner
With our vision and handwork we have made enough presence in country. We are a nam known for the quality of products and result which our associates get from our products. All our products are DCGI approved. Our products are WHO-GMP, ISO, GMP and GLP certified. Our manufacturers maintain a very high level of quality so that the patient gets best results. Our wide range of products Help our business associates in Increasing their business. Our product manages are working hard 24X7 to bring out the best quality products to the market. Not on the quality and result of product, but Packing and presentation is also taken care, Our Wide range of products contain.
Softgel capsules
Dry Injections
Dry Syrup
Herbal / Ayurvedic
Oils and Gels
Locations for PCD pharma franchise.
Wellgo Pharma is offering PCD pharma opportunities to its associates so that quality and affordable medicines reach to people who need it. Wellgo Pharma is offering opportunities to the people of following states.
Jammu and Kashmir
Arunachal Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
If you are a young professional of a businessman seeking opportunity, feel free to contact us at - 8288899202.
PCD means propaganda cum distribution and a PCD pharma company is a company dealing in Pharmaceutical products and providing Marketing support to its associates. These companies provide products with its brand on a monopoly basis. By Monopoly it means that the products with those specific brands will be available to only one person in a particular location. This business model offers a lot of options in product range and promotional support to its associates.
How PCD pharma company Operates ?
As mentioned above a PCD Pharma company offers its products on monopoly basis. Below it is mentioned that how it operates.
A PCD company and its associates agree on a mutual agreement about the Monopoly Rights of company in a particular region, Product range it will work in and conditions like sale etc to meet monopoly requirements.
Marketing and distribution rights are offered to associates based on the sale they commit and investment they are making.
Business associates may or may not conduct any on ground activities for the promotion of business. Proper marketing study is done by marketing associates based on their research or Previous experience.
When these activities are conducted , it is expected that all moral and ethical rules are followed considering the reputation of PCD Pharma company.
Why and When to start PCD Franchise in your area?
There can be many reasons to start a new business. We will assume that you are motivated enough to start the business and we will discuss only technical aspects of this question. You can start a PCD franchise in your area if the answers to following questions is YES.
Do you have capital ?
Do you have product knowledge ?
Do you have Drug license ?
Do you have market ready ?
If answer to the questions above is YES, you can start with Best PCD company like Wellgo Pharma.
Scope of PCD Pharma Franchise
There are many Channels via which pharma products move and PCD Pharma is also one of those. PCD Pharma companies play a vital role in last mile delivery of many medicines. With growing population and longevity, Scope of PCD pharma franchise if very bright. This is a very good opportunity for many businessmen. A lot of associates have grown by promoting a PCD company in their area and you can also grab this opportunity.
In this type of business, you have full freedom to make and implement your business strategy. Another unique benefit of this business is that you can start with a very low investment. So if you have the right business strategy and Planning, you can grow very well in this industry.
Key Feature of PCD pharma franchise
Opportunity to be your own Boss – If you are working in a job in same industry you can understand what I am saying. With so much hard work you are putting, the results are not in direct promotion to you. If you plan to take a pcd pharma franchise you will be your own boss. You will work hard but you will get direct benefits. most of all you will be your own boss.
No Sales target – As you will be your own boss, you will not have any sales target, you can work as per your comfort.You will sell as per market trend and your own schedule there won’t be any sales target or pressure on you for this.
Low Risk Investment – The business is a low risk investment, as the amount you will need to start is very less. Apart from this Pharma industry is booming which will give you good return on investment.
Flexibility of working – There are no specific timings on which you should work. You can easily manage between your family and work as per your comfort. You will need to work as per your and your customers schedule. This will provide you great flexibility and peace of mind
PCD Pharma franchise is an excellent business opportunity for new associates and businessmen. We have explained here What is PCD Pharma franchise . It is profitable business but we still recommend that before finalising any pharma franchise for you, Take a good look at the Franchise and their management. It is a long term association so you should select carefully. Having said that, we can say PCD Pharma franchise is a good opportunity and you can start your business with it.
If you have any questions or concerns about this business you can feel free to call at 8288899202 and start work with us.