Cefpodoxime 200 Mg
MRP 2200
  • description
  • side effects
  • indication


Cefpodoxime 200 mg tablets, come under brand Name WELCEFO 200 in Wellgo Pharma. WELCEFO 200 is used to cure a lot of bacterial infections. This medicine is also known as cephalosporin antibiotic. Cefpodoxime works by stopping the growth of bacteria in body. This category of antibiotic treats only Bacterial infections. It is not used to treat viral infections like flu and common cold. Cefpodoxime to be used strictly after prescription of doctor. Wellgo Pharma is offering Cefpodoxime in PCD Pharma Franchise.

side effects

Cefpodoxime may have some side effects and it should be taken strictly after prescription of doctor. In case you have side effects after taking the medicines you should inform your doctor urgently. If your doctor has prescribed you the medicine , it is obvious that he/she has taken the decision as per your condition, but still there can be some serious side effects as per person, example:- a) Swelling of both Ankles b) Unexpected tiredness c) Breathing issues or difficulty in breathing d) Unexpected new infections Like - Sore throat, Fever etc e) Very Dark color Urine f) Yelloish color Eyes g) Change in quantity of Urine output, indicating connection with Kidneys. In case you face any such issues, treat is as an Urgency and inform your doctor on priority. Prolonged use of the medicine may also cause side effects and it also has to be kept in notice. Doctor should be contacted urgently in that case. This is not a Full list of side effects one can have but only important point is that Doctor prescription and communication is a must.


Cefpodoxime tablets are available for our associates all over India. These tablets have to be taken only after prescription from doctor. Following are the indications in which it can be taken. a) Fever b) Pneumonia c) Tonsillitus Etc